1- Create the auth.json file ( GUI_username, GUI_password and Tenant_name )
2- do a POST to get in the HTTP response with the auth_tokens ( HTTP response headers saved locally )
1- Create the auth.json file
- tenant_name
- GUI username / GUI_ username / GUI_password
2- do a POST to get in the response the auth_tokens
curl -X POST -D headers -H "content-type:application/json" httphttps://x48contrail-byod.mycsolab.com:5000juniper.net/v3/auth/tokens -d@auth.json
3- do some POST
Example to get "configure-sites"
curl -k -D headers ( the response header will be save localy)
-d@auth.json ( use the auth.json file for the password authentication )
# OLD CSO lab: curl -X POST -D headers -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token:$OS_TOKEN" -H "Content-content-type:application/json" httpshttp://192x48-byod.168.10.42/tssm/configure-sites -d'mycsolab.com:5000/v3/auth/tokens -d@auth.json