# #
# Running RECOVERY from: REMOVABLE SUPPORT (USB stick) #
# #
Enter 'help' to see the available commands and 'help <command>' for details on one command.
Enter 'menu' to switch to the recovery menu.
WARNING: some commands can erase data or SW on the device!
> help
Available commands:
device-cert-install - Install device certificate.
disk-install - Install disk partitions
download - Download a single file in the User File System
factory-restore - Reset the device to factory state
format-userfs - Format OneOs File System and Software
genbrdxml - Generate a "board.xml" file for an unknown machine.
getlockid - Get lock Id
help - Display information on commands
install - Install OneOs SW
menu - Switch to Recovery Menu.
netconfig - Configure device's network parameters
pia - Show device Product Information Area
provision - Provision user file system with a tarball
reboot - Reboot the device
restore-efi-boot-entry - Restore EFI boot entry.
revert - Revert to previous OneOs installation
rominstall - Install Boot or Recovery image
select-bank - Choose active SW bank for OneOs
show-disks - Show information about detected disks.
update-firmware - Update firmware
versions - Show versions of SW on the device