jcluser@ubuntu:/var/local/healthbot/input$ more generic_functions.py
import sys
import requests
from jnpr.junos.device import Device
from pprint import pprint
prev_value = {}
prev_time = {}
previous_time = {}
# for value function
prev_bps = {}
previous_value = {}
# Get the hostname of the device
def get_hostname(**kwargs):
device_info = get_device_info_healthbot(**kwargs)
return device_info['facts']['hostname']
# Get the model of the device
def get_model(**kwargs):
device_info = get_device_info_healthbot(**kwargs)
return device_info['facts']['platform']
#Get the version of device
def get_version(**kwargs):
device_info = get_device_info_healthbot(**kwargs)
return device_info['facts']['release']
# Get the version of RE0 of the device if present
def get_version_RE0(**kwargs):
device_details = get_device_info(**kwargs)
with connect_to_device(**device_details) as dev:
return dev.facts['version_RE0']
# Get the version of RE1 of the device if present
def get_version_RE1(**kwargs):
device_details = get_device_info(**kwargs)
with connect_to_device(**device_details) as dev:
return dev.facts['version_RE1']
# Get the version of RE0 of the device if present
def get_re_master(**kwargs):
device_details = get_device_info(**kwargs)
with connect_to_device(**device_details) as dev:
return dev.facts['re_master']['default']
# Get the serrial number of the device
def get_serial_no(**kwargs):
device_info = get_device_info_healthbot(**kwargs)
return device_info['facts']['serial-number']
# Get the configuration of the device in string
def get_config(**kwargs):
device_details = get_device_info(**kwargs)
with connect_to_device(**device_details) as dev:
return dev.rpc.get_config(options={'format':'json'})
# subtract function
def difference(num1,num2, **kwargs):
return (int(num1)-int(num2))
except Exception:
print("Hit Exception, invalid arg type")
# Calculate the percentage
def decimal_to_percent(numerator,denominator, **kwargs):
if denominator == 0:
round_percent = 0
percent = (numerator/denominator)*100
round_percent = round(percent,3)
return round_percent
#Change the percentage to decimal
def percent_to_decimal(percentage, **kwargs):
return percentage/100
#convert bytes to kilobytes
def bytes_to_kb(bytes, **kwargs):
return bytes/(10**3)
#convert bytes to megabytes
def bytes_to_mb(bytes, **kwargs):
bytes = int(bytes)
return bytes/(10**6)
#convert bytes to gigabytes
def bytes_to_gb(bytes, **kwargs):
return bytes/(10**9)
#convert bytes to gigabytes
def mb_to_bytes(mb, **kwargs):
return mb*(10**6)
#convert megabytes to gigabytes
def mb_to_gb(mb, **kwargs):
return mb/(10**3)
#convert gigabytes to bytes
def gb_to_bytes(gb, **kwargs):
return gb*(10**9)
#convert bytes to megabytes
def gb_to_mb(gb, **kwargs):
return gb*(10**6)
# Bytes per second conversion
def bps(intf_name, octets, ifl_id = None, **kwargs):
intf_name_ifl_id = ""
if ifl_id is None:
intf_name_ifl_id = intf_name
intf_name_ifl_id = intf_name + ifl_id
# Get previous values
global prev_value
global prev_time
global prev_bps
# get present time
cur_time = kwargs.get('point_time', 0)
octets = int(octets)
#convert octets to bytes
cur_value = octets
# Calculate time difference between previous and present point
time_difference = (cur_time - prev_time.get(intf_name_ifl_id, 0))
# Calculare data sent in bps
bps = (cur_value - prev_value.get(intf_name_ifl_id, 0)) / time_difference
except Exception:
print("Hit Exception", file=sys.stderr)
bps = prev_bps.get(intf_name_ifl_id, 0)
#update global values
prev_value[intf_name_ifl_id] = cur_value
prev_time[intf_name_ifl_id] = cur_time
return bps
#megabytes per second conversion
def mbps(intf_name, octets, ifl_id = None, **kwargs):
bbps = bps(intf_name, octets, ifl_id, **kwargs)
mbps = bbps/1000000
return mbps
#kilobytes per second conversion
def kbps(intf_name, octets, ifl_id = None, **kwargs):
bbps = bps(intf_name, octets, ifl_id, **kwargs)
kbps = bbps/1000
return kbps
#gigabytes per second conversion
def gbps(intf_name, octets, ifl_id = None, **kwargs):
bbps = bps(intf_name, octets, ifl_id, **kwargs)
gbps = (bbps/1000000000)
return gbps
#Bytes transfered in an interval
def bytes(intf_name, octets, ifl_id = None, **kwargs):
intf_name_ifl_id = ""
if ifl_id is None:
intf_name_ifl_id = intf_name
intf_name_ifl_id = intf_name + ifl_id
# Get previous values
global prev_value
octets = int(octets)
#convert octets to bytes
cur_value = octets
bytes_send = (cur_value - prev_value.get(intf_name_ifl_id, 0))
except Exception:
print("Hit Exception", file=sys.stderr)
bytes_send = prev_bps.get(intf_name_ifl_id, 0)
#update global values
prev_value[intf_name_ifl_id] = cur_value
return bytes_send
#kilobytes transfered in an interval
def kilo_bytes(intf_name, octets, ifl_id = None, **kwargs):
bytes_send = bytes(intf_name, octets, ifl_id, **kwargs)
kilobytes_send = bytes_send/1000
return kilobytes_send
#megabytes transfered in an interval
def mega_bytes(intf_name, octets, ifl_id = None, **kwargs):
bytes_send = bytes(intf_name, octets, ifl_id, **kwargs)
megabytes_send = bytes_send/1000000
return megabytes_send
#gigabytes transfered in an interval
def giga_bytes(intf_name, octets, ifl_id = None, **kwargs):
bytes_send = bytes(intf_name, octets, ifl_id, **kwargs)
gigabytes_send = bytes_send/1000000000
return gigabytes_send
#generic function to find the difference between current and previous values
#usage: key_name is mandatory to store the previous value
# sub_key_name is optional can be used in case of multiple keys
def value_diff(key_name, value, sub_key_name = None, **kwargs):
key_sub_key_name = ""
if sub_key_name is None:
key_sub_key_name = key_name
key_sub_key_name = key_name + "." + sub_key_name
global prev_value
curr_value = int(value)
val_diff = curr_value - prev_value.get(key_sub_key_name,0)
prev_value[key_sub_key_name] = curr_value
return val_diff
#Restart the Fpc of device
#input FPC slot Number
def restart_fpc(fpc_slot, **kwargs):
device_details = get_device_info(**kwargs)
dev = connect_to_device(**device_details)
response = dev.rpc.request_chassis_fpc(restart = True, slot = fpc_slot)
return response
#Bring the Fpc online of device
#input FPC slot Number
def online_fpc(fpc_slot, **kwargs):
device_details = get_device_info(**kwargs)
response = dev.rpc.request_chassis_fpc(online = True, slot = fpc_slot)
return response
#Bring the Fpc offline of device
#input FPC slot Number
def offline_fpc(fpc_slot, **kwargs):
device_details = get_device_info(**kwargs)
dev = connect_to_device(**device_details)
response = dev.rpc.request_chassis_fpc(offline = True, slot = fpc_slot)
return response
#Bring the pic online of specific fpc of device
#input FPC slot Number and pic slot number
def online_pic(fpc_slot, pic_slot, **kwargs):
device_details = get_device_info(**kwargs)
dev = connect_to_device(**device_details)
response = dev.rpc.request_chassis_pic(online = True,fpc_slot = fpc_slot, pic_slot = pic_slot)
return response
#Bring the pic offline of specific fpc of device
#input FPC slot Number and pic slot number
def offline_pic(fpc_slot, pic_slot, **kwargs):
device_details = get_device_info(**kwargs)
dev = connect_to_device(**device_details)
response = dev.rpc.request_chassis_pic(offline = True, fpc_slot = fpc_slot, pic_slot = pic_slot)
return response
#Restart The device
def reboot_system(**kwargs):
device_details = get_device_info(**kwargs)
dev = connect_to_device(**device_details)
response = dev.rpc.request_reboot()
return response
#Restart both the RE's
def reboot_both_routing_engines(**kwargs):
device_details = get_device_info(**kwargs)
dev = connect_to_device(**device_details)
response = dev.rpc.request_reboot(both_routing_engines = True)
return response
#Restart the other RE's
def reboot_other_routing_engine(**kwargs):
device_details = get_device_info(**kwargs)
dev = connect_to_device(**device_details)
response = dev.rpc.request_reboot(other_routing_engine = True)
return response
#Helper Functions
def get_device_info(**kwargs):
response = requests.get('http://api_server:9000/api/v1/device/%s/' % kwargs['device_id'], verify=False)
if response.status_code != 200:
return False
device_info = response.json()
device_details = {}
device_details['hostname'] = device_info['host']
device_details['user'] = device_info['authentication']['password']['username']
device_details['password'] = device_info['authentication']['password']['password']
return device_details
def get_device_info_healthbot(**kwargs):
response = requests.get('http://api_server:9000/api/v1/device/%s/facts' % kwargs['device_id'], verify=False)
if response.status_code != 200:
response = requests.get('http://api_server:9000/api/v1/device/%s/facts?update=true' % kwargs['device_id'], verify=False)
device_info = response.json()
if len(device_info['facts']) == 0:
response = requests.get('http://api_server:9000/api/v1/device/%s/facts?update=true' % kwargs['device_id'], verify=False)
return device_info
def connect_to_device(hostname=None, user = None, password = None):
dev = Device(hostname, user=user, password=password, normalize=True)
return dev