Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.




ansible-playbook pl_get_facts_new.yml -i hosts

hosts is in the same directory

new Module
ssh jansible@ -p 830 -s netconf
# Add jansible user on he juniper Node
set system login user jansible class super-user
set system login user jansible authentication plain-text-password
# enable NETCONFIG
set system services netconf ssh
Code Block
titletest RPC / NETCONFIG
jlk@ubuntu:/etc/ansible/roles$ ssh jansible@ -p 830 -s netconf
<!-- No zombies were killed during the creation of this user interface -->
<!-- user jansible, class j-super-user -->
<hello xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">

Code Block
Code Block
titleget facts
jlk@ubuntu:/etc/ansible/roles/ex3400$ more tasks/main.ymlNew Version:

#- tasksname: fileGet forfacts
ex3400 # Enter those command into the JunOS box
#set system login user jansible class super-user
#set system login user jansible authentication plain-text-password
#hosts: All-srx
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
    - Juniper.junos

    - name: Get junos facts
Play      hostsjuniper_junos_facts:
EX4300     connection: local   gather_facts: nohost: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
  roles:     - Juniper.junos
user: "Netbox"
 vars:     ansible_python_interpreter  passwd: "/usr/bin/pythonNetbox"
  tasks:     - nameregister: Checking NETCONFjunos
connectivity Task       wait_for: host={{ inventory_hostname }} port=830 timeout=5- name: Print facts
       - name: Get junos facts Taskdebug:
        var: junos_get_facts:

OLD version:

  host: ""
        user: "jansible"
        passwd: "jansible123"
      register: junos
    jlk@ubuntu:/etc/ansible/roles/ex3400$ more tasks/main.yml 
# tasks file for ex3400
# Enter those command into the JunOS box
#set system login user jansible class super-user
#set system login user jansible authentication plain-text-password
- name: PrintGet facts Play
  hosts: EX4300 
  debugconnection: local
  gather_facts: no
var:  junos  
ansible-playbook tasks/main.yml --verbose Code Block
titleansible-playbook tasks/main.yml --verbose
jlk@ubuntu:/etc/ansible/roles/ex3400$ ansible-playbook tasks/main.yml --verbose Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file PLAY [Get facts Play] ******************************************************************************************************************* TASK [Checking NETCONF connectivity Task] *********************************************************************************************** ok: [] => {"changed": false, "elapsed": 0, "path": null, "port": 830, "search_regex": null, "state": "started"} TASK [Get junos facts Task] ************************************************
- Juniper.junos
    ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python"
    - name: Checking NETCONF connectivity Task
      wait_for: host={{ inventory_hostname }} port=830 timeout=5
    - name: Get junos facts Task
        host: ""
        user: "jansible"
        passwd: "jansible123"
      register: junos
    - name: Print facts
        var: junos

ansible-playbook tasks/main.yml --verbose

Code Block
titleansible-playbook tasks/main.yml --verbose
jlk@ubuntu:/etc/ansible/roles/ex3400$ ansible-playbook tasks/main.yml --verbose
Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file

PLAY [Get facts Play] *****************************************************************************
ok: [] => {"ansible_facts": {"junos": {"HOME": "/var/home/jansible", "RE0": {"last_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.", "mastership_state": "master", "model": "EX4300-48T", "status": "OK", "up_time": "31 days, 4 hours, 18 minutes, 40 seconds"}, "RE1": null, "RE_hw_mi": false, "current_re": ["master", "node", "fwdd", "member", "pfem", "re0", "fpc0", "localre"], "domain": null, "fqdn": "EX4300-R103-34", "has_2RE": false, "hostname": "EX4300-R103-34", "hostname_info": {"fpc0": "EX4300-R103-34"}, "ifd_style": "SWITCH", "junos_info": {"fpc0": {"object": {"build": 8, "major": [18, 4], "minor": "1", "type": "R"}, "text": "18.4R1.8"}}, "master": "RE0", "master_state": true, "model": "EX4300-48T", "model_info": {"fpc0": "EX4300-48T"}, "personality": "SWITCH", "re_info": {"default": {"0": {"last_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.", "mastership_state": "master", "model": "EX4300-48T", "status": "OK"}, "default": {"last_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.", "mastership_state": "master", "model": "EX4300-48T", "status": "OK"}}}, "re_master": {"default": "0"}, "re_name": "fpc0", "serialnumber": "PE3717290399", "srx_cluster": null, "srx_cluster_id": null, "srx_cluster_redundancy_group": null, "switch_style": "VLAN_L2NG", "vc_capable": true, "vc_fabric": false, "vc_master": "0", "vc_mode": "Enabled", "version": "18.4R1.8", "version_RE0": null, "version_RE1": null, "version_info": {"build": 8, "major": [18, 4], "minor": "1", "type": "R"}, "virtual": false}}, "changed": false, "facts": {"HOME": "/var/home/jansible", "RE0": {"last_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted **************************************

TASK [Checking NETCONF connectivity Task] ***********************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {"changed": false, "elapsed": 0, "path": null, "port": 830, "search_regex": null, "state": "started"}

TASK [Get junos facts Task] *************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {"ansible_facts": {"junos": {"HOME": "/var/home/jansible", "RE0": {"last_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.", "mastership_state": "master", "model": "EX4300-48T", "status": "OK", "up_time": "31 days, 4 hours, 18 minutes, 40 seconds"}, "RE1": null, "RE_hw_mi": false, "current_re": ["master", "node", "fwdd", "member", "pfem", "re0", "fpc0", "localre"], "domain": null, "fqdn": "EX4300-R103-34", "has_2RE": false, "hostname": "EX4300-R103-34", "hostname_info": {"fpc0": "EX4300-R103-34"}, "ifd_style": "SWITCH", "junos_info": {"fpc0": {"object": {"build": 8, "major": [18, 4], "minor": "1", "type": "R"}, "text": "18.4R1.8"}}, "master": "RE0", "master_state": true, "model": "EX4300-48T", "model_info": {"fpc0": "EX4300-48T"}, "personality": "SWITCH", "re_info": {"default": {"0": {"last_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.", "mastership_state": "master", "model": "EX4300-48T", "status": "OK"}, "default": {"last_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.", "mastership_state": "master", "model": "EX4300-48T", "status": "OK"}}}, "upre_timemaster": {"31 days, 4 hours, 18 minutes, 40 seconds"}, "RE1default": "0"}, "re_name": "fpc0", "serialnumber": "PE3717290399", "srx_cluster": null, "REsrx_hwcluster_miid": falsenull, "current_resrx_cluster_redundancy_group": ["master"null, "nodeswitch_style",: "fwddVLAN_L2NG", "member"vc_capable": true, "pfem"vc_fabric": false, "re0vc_master",: "fpc00", "localre"],vc_mode": "domainEnabled": null, "fqdnversion": "EX4300-R103-3418.4R1.8", "hasversion_2RERE0": falsenull, "hostname": "EX4300-R103-34", "hostname_info": {"fpc0": "EX4300-R103-34"}, "ifd_style": "SWITCH", "junos_info": {"fpc0": {"object"version_RE1": null, "version_info": {"build": 8, "major": [18, 4], "minor": "1", "type": "R"}, "textvirtual": "18.4R1.8"false}}, "masterchanged": "RE0", "master_state": true, "model": "EX4300-48T", "model_info" false, "facts": {"fpc0HOME": "EX4300-48T"}, "personality": "SWITCH", "re_info": {"default/var/home/jansible", "RE0": {"0": {"last_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.", "mastership_state": "master", "model": "EX4300-48T", "status": "OK"}, "defaultup_time": {"last_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.", "mastership_state": "master", "model": "EX4300-48T", "status": "OK"}}}, "re_master": {"default": "0"}, "re_name": "fpc0", "serialnumber": "PE3717290399", "srx_cluster": null, "srx_cluster_id": null, "srx_cluster_redundancy_group": null, "switch_style": "VLAN_L2NG", "vc_capable": true, "vc_fabric": false, "vc_master": "0", "vc_mode": "Enabled", "version"31 days, 4 hours, 18 minutes, 40 seconds"}, "RE1": null, "RE_hw_mi": false, "current_re": ["master", "node", "fwdd", "member", "pfem", "re0", "fpc0", "localre"], "domain": null, "fqdn": "EX4300-R103-34", "has_2RE": false, "hostname": "EX4300-R103-34", "hostname_info": {"fpc0": "EX4300-R103-34"}, "ifd_style": "SWITCH", "junos_info": {"fpc0": {"object": {"build": 8, "major": [18, 4], "minor": "1", "type": "R"}, "text": "18.4R1.8"}}, "version_RE0master": null"RE0", "versionmaster_RE1state": nulltrue, "version_infomodel": {"build": 8EX4300-48T", "majormodel_info": [18, 4]{"fpc0": "EX4300-48T"}, "minorpersonality": "1SWITCH", "type"re_info": {"default": {"R0"},: {"virtuallast_reboot_reason": false}}"Router rebooted TASK [Print facts] **********************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "junos": {
        "HOME": "/var/home/jansible", 
        "RE0": {
            "last_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.", 
            "mastership_state": "master", 
            "model": "EX4300-48T", 
            "status": "OK", 
            "up_time": "31 days, 4 hours, 18 minutes, 40 seconds"
        "RE1": null, 
        "RE_hw_mi": false, 
        "current_re": [after a normal shutdown.", "mastership_state": "master", "model": "EX4300-48T", "status": "OK"}, "default": {"last_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.", "mastership_state": "master", "model": "EX4300-48T", "status": "OK"}}}, "re_master": {"default": "0"}, "re_name": "fpc0", "serialnumber": "PE3717290399", "srx_cluster": null, "srx_cluster_id": null, "srx_cluster_redundancy_group": null, "switch_style": "VLAN_L2NG", "vc_capable": true, "vc_fabric": false, "vc_master": "0", "vc_mode": "Enabled", "version": "18.4R1.8", "version_RE0": null, "version_RE1": null, "version_info": {"build": 8, "major": [18, 4], "minor": "1", "type": "R"}, "virtual": false}}

TASK [Print facts] **********************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "junos": {
            "masterHOME", : "/var/home/jansible", 
           "nodeRE0",: {
            "memberlast_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.", 
            "pfemmastership_state": "master", 
            "model": "re0EX4300-48T", 
            "status": "fpc0OK", 
            "localreup_time": "31 days, 4 hours, 18    ]minutes, 40 seconds"
       "domain": null}, 
        "fqdnRE1": "EX4300-R103-34"null, 
        "hasRE_hw_2REmi": false, 
        "hostnamecurrent_re": "EX4300-R103-34", [
            "hostname_infomaster":, {
            "fpc0node": "EX4300-R103-34", 
         },   "fwdd", 
     "ifd_style":       "SWITCHmember", 
        "junos_info": {    "pfem", 
            "fpc0re0":, {
                "objectfpc0":, {
       "build": 8], 
          "domain": null, 
        "majorfqdn": ["EX4300-R103-34", 
        "has_2RE": false, 
            18"hostname": "EX4300-R103-34", 
        "hostname_info": {
            "fpc0": "EX4300-R103-34"
4        }, 
        "ifd_style": "SWITCH", 
],        "junos_info": {
            "minorfpc0": "1", 
                  "typeobject": "R"{
                },     "build": 8, 
            "text": "18.4R1.8"       "major": [
    }         },          "master": "RE0" 18, 
        "master_state": true,              "model": "EX4300-48T", 4
        "model_info": {           ], 
"fpc0": "EX4300-48T"         },          "personalityminor": "SWITCH1", 
        "re_info": {           "type":  "defaultR":
{                }, "0":
{                "text": "18.4R1.8"
   "last_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.",   }
        "mastership_statemaster": "masterRE0", 
        "master_state": true, 
         "model": "EX4300-48T", 
         "model_info": {
            "statusfpc0": "OKEX4300-48T"
         }"personality": "SWITCH", 
        "re_info": {
            "default": {
                "0": {
                    "last_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.", 
                    "mastership_state": "master", 
                    "model": "EX4300-48T", 
                    "status": "OK"
           }     "default": {
  },            "re_master": {     "last_reboot_reason": "Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.", 
"default": "0"         },          "remastership_namestate": "fpc0master", 
              "serialnumber      "model": "PE3717290399EX4300-48T", 
         "srx_cluster": null,          "srx_cluster_idstatus": null,"OK"
         "srx_cluster_redundancy_group": null,       }
         "switch_style": "VLAN_L2NG",  }
       "vc_capable": true }, 
        "vcre_fabricmaster": false,{
            "vc_masterdefault": "0"
        "vcre_modename": "Enabledfpc0", 
        "versionserialnumber": "18.4R1.8"PE3717290399", 
        "versionsrx_RE0cluster": null, 
        "versionsrx_cluster_RE1id": null, 
        "version_infosrx_cluster_redundancy_group": {null, 
           "build"switch_style": 8"VLAN_L2NG",  
           "major"vc_capable": [true, 
               18"vc_fabric": false, 
        "vc_master": "0", 
     4   "vc_mode": "Enabled", 
        ]"version": "18.4R1.8", 
        "version_RE0": null, 
 "minor       "version_RE1": "1"null, 
        "version_info": {
  "type": "R"          "build": }8, 
            "virtualmajor": false[
    } }

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************           18, 
            "minor": "1", 
            "type": "R"
        "virtual": false

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************************************              : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0

junos_facts ( ansible module)

!!!!! Host, username and password will be predicated in 2.9 !!!! 

Code Block
titlejunos_facts ansible module
jlk@jkriker-T460:~$ more /etc/ansible/ex3400/tasks/main.yml
#Tasks file for ex3400
# Enter those command into the JunOS box
#set system login user jansible class super-user
#set system login user jansible authentication plain-text-password
- name: Get facts Play
  hosts: EX3400
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
    ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python"
    - name: Checking NETCONF connectivity Task
      wait_for: host={{ inventory_hostname }} port=830 timeout=5
    - name: Get junos facts Task
        host : "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        username: "jansible"
        password: "jansible123"
      register: junos
    - name: ok=3 Print facts
 changed=0    unreachable=0   var: failed=0junos

jlk@ubuntu:/etc/ansible$ more /etc/ansible/facts.pb.yaml
- name: Get facts
hosts: vsrx
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- Juniper.junos
- name: ADMUSER
prompt: Username
private: no
- name: ADMPASS
prompt: password
private: yes
- name: Get junos facts
host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
user: "{{ ADMUSER }}"
passwd: "{{ ADMPASS }}"
register: junos
- name: Print facts
var: junos
