Overview In this lab, you will implement features of the AppSecure suite.
You will begin by configuring AppID and AppFW features to protect the server against Application Layer attacks.
Then, you will configure a custom application signature to restrict access to certain sections of the server.
Next, you will configure AppTrack to monitor FTP exchanges between the client and the server.
Finally, you will configure APBR to route traffic based on the application in use.
By completing this lab, you will perform the following tasks:
• Configure and monitor AppID and AppFW features.
• Configure and use custom application signatures.
• Configure and monitor AppTrack.
• Configure and monitor APBR.
Configure and monitor AppID and AppFW features. | allow traffic IN (to local server): http 80 and 8080 + DNS: TCP and UDP
Configure and use custom application signatures. |
Configure and monitor AppTrack. | Monitor FTP traffic |
Configure and monitor APBR. |
Part 1: |
Code Block |
title | lab config |
collapse | true |
| lab@vSRX-1# show | display set
set version 15.1X49-D90.7
set system host-name vSRX-1
set system root-authentication encrypted-password "$5$wLJg.4U3$CKyEttCSIQEJMc65XcP1VS
set system login user lab uid 2000
set system login user lab class super-user
set system login user lab authentication encrypted-password "$5$s6Wv7AVW$eNGzs/eoTLe6
set system services ssh
set system services web-management http interface fxp0.0
set system syslog user * any emergency
set system syslog file messages any any
set system syslog file messages authorization info
set system syslog file interactive-commands interactive-commands any
set system syslog file AppSecure-log any any
set system syslog file AppSecure-log match RT_FLOW
set system license autoupdate url https://ae1.juniper.net/junos/key_retrieval
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match source-address any
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match destination-address any
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match application junos-http
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match application custom-http-8080
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match from-zone Untrust
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match to-zone Server
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP then permit
set security policies global policy Untrust-DNS match source-address any
set security policies global policy Untrust-DNS match destination-address any
set security policies global policy Untrust-DNS match application junos-dns-tcp
set security policies global policy Untrust-DNS match application junos-dns-udp
set security policies global policy Untrust-DNS match from-zone Untrust
set security policies global policy Untrust-DNS match to-zone Server
set security policies global policy Untrust-DNS then permit
set security zones security-zone Server host-inbound-traffic system-services any-serv
set security zones security-zone Server interfaces ge-0/0/4.0
set security zones security-zone Server interfaces ge-0/0/2.0
set security zones security-zone Untrust interfaces ge-0/0/3.0
set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces ge-0/0/3 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces ge-0/0/4 unit 0 family inet policer input RL
set interfaces ge-0/0/4 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet address
set routing-options static route next-hop
set firewall policer RL if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 1m
set firewall policer RL if-exceeding burst-size-limit 20k
set firewall policer RL then discard
set applications application custom-http-8080 protocol tcp
set applications application custom-http-8080 destination-port 8080
lab@vSRX-2# show | display set
set version 15.1X49-D70.3
set system host-name vSRX-2
set system root-authentication encrypted-password "$5$wLJg.4U3$CKyEttCSIQEJMc65XcP1VS
set system login user lab uid 2000
set system login user lab class super-user
set system login user lab authentication encrypted-password "$5$s6Wv7AVW$eNGzs/eoTLe6
set system services ssh
set system services web-management http interface fxp0.0
set system syslog user * any emergency
set system syslog file messages any any
set system syslog file messages authorization info
set system syslog file interactive-commands interactive-commands any
set system license autoupdate url https://ae1.juniper.net/junos/key_retrieval
set security forwarding-options family mpls mode packet-based
set security zones security-zone all host-inbound-traffic system-services any-service
set security zones security-zone all host-inbound-traffic protocols all
set security zones security-zone all interfaces all
deactivate security zones
set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 0 family iso
set interfaces ge-0/0/3 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces ge-0/0/6 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family iso address 49.0001.1921.6800.1002.00
set routing-options static route next-hop
set routing-options static route next-hop
set protocols isis interface ge-0/0/2.0 level 1 disable
set protocols isis interface lo0.0 level 1 disable
deactivate protocols
Part 2: AppFW and AppID |
Code Block |
| show configuration security application-firewall
show configuration security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP
show configuration system syslog
lab@vSRX-1# show security application-firewall | display set
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server rule HTTP match dynamic-application junos:HTTP
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server rule HTTP then permit
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server default-rule deny
lab@vSRX-1# show security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP | display set
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match source-address any
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match destination-address any
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match application junos-http
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match application custom-http-8080
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match from-zone Untrust
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match to-zone Server
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP then permit application-services application-firewall rule-set protect-server
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP then log session-init
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP then log session-close
lab@vSRX-1# show system syslog | display set
set system syslog user * any emergency
set system syslog file messages any any
set system syslog file messages authorization info
set system syslog file interactive-commands interactive-commands any
set system syslog file AppSecure-log any any
set system syslog file AppSecure-log match RT_FLOW |
Part 3: Custom Application Signature |
Code Block |
| show configuration services application-identification
show configuration security application-firewall
lab@vSRX-1> show configuration services application-identification | display set
set services application-identification no-application-system-cache
set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m01 context http-header-host
set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m01 pattern "(.*\.)?(ajsecserver.ajsec.juniper.net)"
set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m01 direction client-to-server
set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m02 context http-url-parsed
set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m02 pattern /files/
set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m02 direction client-to-server
lab@vSRX-1> show configuration security application-firewall | display set
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server rule AJSEC-FILES match dynamic-application AJSEC-FILES
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server rule AJSEC-FILES then deny
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server rule HTTP match dynamic-application junos:HTTP
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server rule HTTP then permit
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server default-rule deny |
Part 4: AppTrack |
Code Block |
title | Apptrack |
collapse | true |
| show configuration firewall
show configuration interfaces ge-0/0/4
show configuration security application-tracking
show configuration security zones security-zone Server
show configuration security policies global policy FTP-Unstrust
lab@vSRX-1> show configuration firewall | display set
set firewall policer RL if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 1m
set firewall policer RL if-exceeding burst-size-limit 20k
set firewall policer RL then discard
set firewall policer ftp-policer if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 1m
set firewall policer ftp-policer if-exceeding burst-size-limit 20k
set firewall policer ftp-policer then discard
lab@vSRX-1> show configuration interfaces ge-0/0/4 | display set
set interfaces ge-0/0/4 unit 0 family inet policer input ftp-policer
set interfaces ge-0/0/4 unit 0 family inet address
lab@vSRX-1> show configuration security application-tracking | display set
set security application-tracking first-update
set security application-tracking session-update-interval 2
lab@vSRX-1> show configuration security zones security-zone Server | display set
set security zones security-zone Server host-inbound-traffic system-services any-service
set security zones security-zone Server interfaces ge-0/0/4.0
set security zones security-zone Server interfaces ge-0/0/2.0
set security zones security-zone Server application-tracking
lab@vSRX-1> show configuration security policies global policy FTP-Unstrust | display set
set security policies global policy FTP-Unstrust match source-address any
set security policies global policy FTP-Unstrust match destination-address any
set security policies global policy FTP-Unstrust match application junos-ftp
set security policies global policy FTP-Unstrust match from-zone Untrust
set security policies global policy FTP-Unstrust match to-zone Server
set security policies global policy FTP-Unstrust then permit |
Part 5: APBR |
Code Block |
title | APBR configuration |
collapse | true |
| lab@vSRX-1> show configuration security policies global policy Untrust-SSH | display set
set security policies global policy Untrust-SSH match source-address any
set security policies global policy Untrust-SSH match destination-address any
set security policies global policy Untrust-SSH match application junos-ssh
set security policies global policy Untrust-SSH match from-zone Untrust
set security policies global policy Untrust-SSH match |
from-zone Untrust
set security policies global policy Untrust-SSH match to-zone Server
set security policies global policy Untrust-SSH then permit to-zone Server
set security policies global policy Untrust-SSH then permit
lab@vSRX-1> show configuration routing-instances APBR | display set
set routing-instances APBR instance-type forwarding
set routing-instances APBR routing-options static route next-hop
lab@vSRX-1> show configuration routing- |
instancesAPBRrib-groups | display set
set routing- |
instancesinstancetypeforwarding-instances APBR-options rib-groups APBR import-rib APBR.inet.0
set routing-options |
staticroute next-hop import-policy block-rts ## add this one
lab@vSRX-1> show configuration routing-options |
ribgroupsroutes | display set
set routing-options interface-routes rib- |
groups import-rib inet.0
set routing-options rib-groups APBR import-rib APBR.inet.0
set routing-options rib-groups APBR import-policy block-rts
lab@vSRX-1> show configuration routing-options interface-routes | display set
set routing-options interface-routes rib-group inet APBR
Code Block |
title | APBR show commands |
collapse | true |
lab@vSRX-1> show configuration security advance-policy-based-routing | display set
set security advance-policy-based-routing profile SSH-APBR rule 1 match dynamic-application junos:SSH
set security advance-policy-based-routing profile SSH-APBR rule 1 then routing-instance APBR
# Delete: no-application-system-cache
#lab@vSRX-1> show configuration services application-identification | display set
#set services application-identification application |
show security advance-policy-based-routing statistics
show security flow session
[edit routing-options]
lab@vSRX-1# run show security flow session
Session ID: 46634, Policy name: Untrust-SSH/7, Timeout: 1202, Valid
In: -->;tcp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/3.0, Pkts: 20, Bytes: 2764,
Out: -->;tcp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/4.0, Pkts: 20, Bytes: 4436,
Total sessions: 1
[edit routing-options]
lab@vSRX-1# run show security flow session
Session ID: 46798, Policy name: Untrust-SSH/7, Timeout: 1796, Valid
In: -->;tcp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/3.0, Pkts: 20, Bytes: 2764,
Out: -->;tcp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/2.0, Pkts: 20, Bytes: 4436,
Total sessions: 1 AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m01 context http-header-host
#set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m01 pattern "(.*\.)?(ajsecserver.ajsec.juniper.net)"
#set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m01 direction client-to-server
#set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m02 context http-url-parsed
#set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m02 pattern /files/
#set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m02 direction client-to-server
lab@vSRX-1> show configuration policy-options | display set
set policy-options policy-statement block-rts term 1 from interface ge-0/0/2.0
set policy-options policy-statement block-rts term 1 to rib APBR.inet.0
set policy-options policy-statement block-rts term 1 then accept
set policy-options policy-statement block-rts term 2 then reject
Code Block |
title | APBR show commands |
collapse | true |
show services application-identification application-system-cache
show security advance-policy-based-routing statistics
show security flow session
[edit routing-options]
lab@vSRX-1# run show security |
advance-policy-based-routing stat
'stat' is ambiguous.
Possible completions:
statistics Show advance-policy-based-routing statistics
status Show advance-policy-based-routing status
[edit routing-options] flow session
Session ID: 46634, Policy name: Untrust-SSH/7, Timeout: 1202, Valid
In: -->;tcp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/3.0, Pkts: 20, Bytes: 2764,
Out: -->;tcp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/4.0, Pkts: 20, Bytes: 4436,
Total sessions: 1
[edit routing-options]
lab@vSRX-1# run show security flow session
Session ID: 46798, Policy name: Untrust-SSH/7, Timeout: 1796, Valid
In: -->;tcp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/3.0, Pkts: 20, Bytes: 2764,
Out: -->;tcp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/2.0, Pkts: 20, Bytes: 4436,
Total sessions: 1
lab@vSRX-1# run show security advance-policy-based-routing statistics
Advance Profile Based Routing statistics:
Session Processed: 214
ASC Success: 2
Rule match success: 2
Route modified: 2
AppID Requested: 158
[edit routing-options]
lab@vSRX-1# |
| |