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Part 1:
lab config
lab@vSRX-1# show | display set    
set version 15.1X49-D90.7
set system host-name vSRX-1
set system root-authentication encrypted-password "$5$wLJg.4U3$CKyEttCSIQEJMc65XcP1VS
set system login user lab uid 2000
set system login user lab class super-user
set system login user lab authentication encrypted-password "$5$s6Wv7AVW$eNGzs/eoTLe6
set system services ssh
set system services web-management http interface fxp0.0
set system syslog user * any emergency
set system syslog file messages any any
set system syslog file messages authorization info
set system syslog file interactive-commands interactive-commands any
set system syslog file AppSecure-log any any
set system syslog file AppSecure-log match RT_FLOW
set system license autoupdate url
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match source-address any
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match destination-address any
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match application junos-http
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match application custom-http-8080
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match from-zone Untrust
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match to-zone Server
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP then permit
set security policies global policy Untrust-DNS match source-address any
set security policies global policy Untrust-DNS match destination-address any
set security policies global policy Untrust-DNS match application junos-dns-tcp
set security policies global policy Untrust-DNS match application junos-dns-udp
set security policies global policy Untrust-DNS match from-zone Untrust
set security policies global policy Untrust-DNS match to-zone Server
set security policies global policy Untrust-DNS then permit
set security zones security-zone Server host-inbound-traffic system-services any-serv
set security zones security-zone Server interfaces ge-0/0/4.0
set security zones security-zone Server interfaces ge-0/0/2.0
set security zones security-zone Untrust interfaces ge-0/0/3.0
set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces ge-0/0/3 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces ge-0/0/4 unit 0 family inet policer input RL
set interfaces ge-0/0/4 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet address
set routing-options static route next-hop
set firewall policer RL if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 1m
set firewall policer RL if-exceeding burst-size-limit 20k
set firewall policer RL then discard
set applications application custom-http-8080 protocol tcp
set applications application custom-http-8080 destination-port 8080

lab@vSRX-2# show | display set    
set version 15.1X49-D70.3
set system host-name vSRX-2
set system root-authentication encrypted-password "$5$wLJg.4U3$CKyEttCSIQEJMc65XcP1VS
set system login user lab uid 2000
set system login user lab class super-user
set system login user lab authentication encrypted-password "$5$s6Wv7AVW$eNGzs/eoTLe6
set system services ssh
set system services web-management http interface fxp0.0
set system syslog user * any emergency
set system syslog file messages any any
set system syslog file messages authorization info
set system syslog file interactive-commands interactive-commands any
set system license autoupdate url
set security forwarding-options family mpls mode packet-based
set security zones security-zone all host-inbound-traffic system-services any-service
set security zones security-zone all host-inbound-traffic protocols all
set security zones security-zone all interfaces all
deactivate security zones
set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 0 family iso
set interfaces ge-0/0/3 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces ge-0/0/6 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet address
set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family iso address 49.0001.1921.6800.1002.00
set routing-options static route next-hop
set routing-options static route next-hop
set protocols isis interface ge-0/0/2.0 level 1 disable
set protocols isis interface lo0.0 level 1 disable
deactivate protocols

Part 2:

AppFW and AppID

part 2
lab@vSRX-1# show security application-firewall | display set 
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server rule HTTP match dynamic-application junos:HTTP
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server rule HTTP then permit
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server default-rule deny

lab@vSRX-1# show security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP | display set  
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match source-address any
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match destination-address any
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match application junos-http
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match application custom-http-8080
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match from-zone Untrust
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP match to-zone Server
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP then permit application-services application-firewall rule-set protect-server
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP then log session-init
set security policies global policy Untrust-HTTP then log session-close

lab@vSRX-1# show system syslog | display set 
set system syslog user * any emergency
set system syslog file messages any any
set system syslog file messages authorization info
set system syslog file interactive-commands interactive-commands any
set system syslog file AppSecure-log any any
set system syslog file AppSecure-log match RT_FLOW

Part 3:

Custom Application Signature

part 3
lab@vSRX-1> show configuration services application-identification | display set 
set services application-identification no-application-system-cache
set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m01 context http-header-host
set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m01 pattern "(.*\.)?("
set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m01 direction client-to-server
set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m02 context http-url-parsed
set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m02 pattern /files/
set services application-identification application AJSEC-FILES over HTTP signature s-01 member m02 direction client-to-server

lab@vSRX-1> show configuration security application-firewall | display set 
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server rule AJSEC-FILES match dynamic-application AJSEC-FILES
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server rule AJSEC-FILES then deny
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server rule HTTP match dynamic-application junos:HTTP
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server rule HTTP then permit
set security application-firewall rule-sets protect-server default-rule deny

Part 4:


Part 5:


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