1- create the Private key & Public key ( .pub) on the Client: ssh-keygen
2- copy the public key to the server: ssh-copy-id
3- To set up SSH agent to avoid retyping passwords, you can do:
4- SSH test ( will ask for the passphrase once!)
5- check the Local keys:
6- check the Remote keys:
1- create the private & Public key on the Client: ssh-keygen ( press enter + enter the passphrase )
-Asymmetric Encryption: Private and Public key
-2,048 bits (or 617 decimal digits )
Private Key: AES-128-CBC ???
-Symmetric Encryption Algorithms
-Block cipher ( 128-bit block message + 128-bit key) >> 128-bit cipher text
- Advanced Encryptiuon Standard
On the server create a pair of key, directory /root/.ssh/
2- copy the public key to the server: ssh-copy-id or just sftp/ssh
Check: after the ssh-copy-id, on the remote server: before/after ( /root/.ddh or /home/<username>/.ssh/ )
3- To set up SSH agent to avoid retyping passwords, you can do:
$ ssh-agent bash
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa #here you load the Private key to be used
-l Lists fingerprints of all identities currently represented by the agent.
[root@hp8300 ~]# ssh-add -l
2048 48:54:e7:a8:d8:cf:79:23:0d:f7:dd:9a:fc:6c:c5:d3 /root/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)
-L Lists public key parameters of all identities currently represented by the agent.
[root@hp8300 ~]# ssh-add -L
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCyKQ+IXr/yiLt7N/SSh4++V8G3K0ZoU1Pi/M85D/5Gtuh6kq6DAqk/F/lUxc0QFZNVGB9r1fCyVtwuGVhxaImXbziB0gRbBG2uclwwH0bbQUDNm+MJ5QtXjRGCmelNa5DpzfdVI8MzkJN+TI+9PJm1CuuyfBIId554IiFOKsCmt8ORCkU4X+zdXkwZeMv+7jW9sqgYHbEU7m3DU1goJYko8mKMZabpkDUu1sxktGXgMEb3uanID5ViV4VSSxv8c9yVe896cXTmZBra0Dq2NU6WWRWe/fvcukeIO5knNiGTBCpbgpNZM3u11rYbzni/Nun7oKDqBg6+aO4EI0tDn4ZP /root/.ssh/id_rsa