Enterprise Hubs Overview


Enterprise Hub:    An enterprise hub is an SD-WAN site that is used to carry site-to-site traffic between on-premise spoke sites and to break out backhaul (central breakout) traffic from on-premise spoke sites.

Provider Hub:

On-boarding E-Hub

1- Onboard branch / Active Device [ + Stage 1 configuration ]

	RESOURCES >> Site Management >> Click: Add Enterprise Hub
		Site Capability:  SD-WAN
		Primary Provider Hub: None
		optional:  Address and Timezone
	Page 2: WAN
		search fro the Device Template: jlk2_CSOaaS vSRX E-HUB
		Serial Number: 
		WAN_0 (ge-0/0/0) 
			Link type: internet [ default ]
			Static IP@ / GW: //
				Advanced Settings:
					provider: IPS1 [ default ]
					Local Breakout: Enable
					Use For Fullmesh: 
						Mesh Overlay Link Type: GRE_IPSEC 
						Mesh Tag: INTERNET
					Use for OAM traffic: Enable

		WAN_0 (ge-0/0/1) 
			Link type: MPLS
			Static IP@ / GW: //
				Advanced Settings:
					provider: IPS2
					Local Breakout: Enable
					Use For Fullmesh: 
						Mesh Overlay Link Type: GRE_IPSEC 
						Mesh Tag: MPLS		
					Use for OAM traffic: Enable
	Page 3: LAN
		Add LAN Segment
			Name: LAN_A
			CPE Ports: LAN_0 ( ge-0/0/2)

log onto the SRX ( Console port )

restart phone-home-client immediately

( or restart the SRX or request system reboot )

show log message | match phone

2- Intent based security policy: Firewall Policy ( Site, Destination/App, Option/Action

3- SD-WAN Configuration:
      2a- Define SLA Profile: mapping Class  Vs throughput/Latency/packet Loss/Jitter/Delay
      2b- SD-WAN Policy: Site, Application, SLA Profile


+ interface ge-0/0/0.0 family inet dhcp-client

+ password recovery ( juniper1 )