Create a license:
Date: 22/03/2017
website: https://download.juniper.net/cust-svc/srx/E419777401.txt
E419777401 aeaqic apaeor 4altdy arwhqb impacr i6bmed
embrgu ydgmbz bqihmu 2slawu u5lonf ygk4sf
ozqwyb ziukrz o4t4tq 73ypay 2pgysd icl7im
u5x4l3 4pgvmf cggson fslbu7 atr27n sh6zqe
root@vSRX1> show system license
License usage: none
Licenses installed: none
root@vSRX1> request system license ?
Possible completions:
add Add license keys from file, local or from server
delete Delete license keys
save Save license keys to file, local or to server
update Start autoupdate license keys from LMS servers
root@vSRX1> request system license update trial
Trying to update trial license keys from https://ae1.juniper.net, use 'show system license' to check status.
show system license keys