VRRP L2 and L3 Protocol


VRRP https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Router_Redundancy_Protocol

A virtual router must use 00-00-5E-00-01-XX as its media access control (MAC) address.

The last byte of the address (XX) is the virtual router identifier (VRID)

using packets with multicast IP address

IP protocol number 112
Master VRRP
The router with preempt configured is the master

Preemption is off by default
Master Election

The higher priority is preferred.

Tie: Highest primary IP@

TTL = 255

Invalid VRRP ttl value receive

Number of packets received whose IP time- to-live (TTL) value is not 255.

uses multicast IP with a TTL of 255. 
default timer is 1 second