Troubleshooting AWS installation
TASK [openshift_sanitize_inventory : Ensure that openshift_use_dnsmasq is true] **************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {
   "changed": false,
   "failed": true
Starting in 3.6 openshift_use_dnsmasq must be true or critical features
will not function. This also means that NetworkManager must be installed
enabled and responsible for management of the primary interface.
search for theÂ
grep -ri "Ensure that openshift_use_dnsmasq is true" .
ignore this check:
[root@ip-172-31-3-50 ~]# more /root/openshift-ansible/roles/openshift_sanitize_inventory/tasks/unsupported.yml
# This task list checks for unsupported configurations. Values here should yield
# a partially functioning cluster but would not be supported for production use.
#- name: Ensure that openshift_use_dnsmasq is true
# when:
# - not openshift_use_dnsmasq | default(true) | bool
# fail:
# msg: |-
# Starting in 3.6 openshift_use_dnsmasq must be true or critical features
# will not function. This also means that NetworkManager must be installed
# enabled and responsible for management of the primary interface.