if the node goes off line ( casandra db) for a time greater than the "gc_grace_seconds as per" casandra database may not come back.
. . . .
== Contrail Database ==
contrail-database: inactive
. . .
cassandra logs – any
2017-08-01 02:37:03,727 - ERROR - FAILED: nodetool -h info | grep ID | awk '{print $3}'
2017-08-01 02:37:03,727 - ERROR - nodetool: Failed to connect to '' - ConnectException: 'Connection refused (Connection refused)'.
2017-08-01 02:37:03,728 - DEBUG - run_command: service contrail-database stop
2017-08-01 02:37:03,739 - DEBUG - SECS SINCE UP: 1097393
Solution for a single controller:
delete and restart
rm /var/log/cassandra/status-up
service contrail-database start.