50Bytes encapsulation ( L2 service MPLS encapsulation : 22Bytes )
!!! VxLAN over L2 MPLS service: 72 Bytes!!!
UDP/VxLAN port: 8472
VXLAN Header: This is an 8-byte field that has:
- Flags (8 bits): where the I flag MUST be set to 1 for a valid
VXLAN Network ID (VNI). The other 7 bits (designated "R") are
reserved fields and MUST be set to zero on transmission and
ignored on receipt.
- VXLAN Segment ID/VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI): this is a
24-bit value used to designate the individual VXLAN overlay
network on which the communicating VMs are situated. VMs in
different VXLAN overlay networks cannot communicate with each
- Reserved fields (24 bits and 8 bits): MUST be set to zero on
transmission and ignored on receipt.