NetConf and Yang Protocol

YANG protocol
hierarchical Data structure

hierarchical structure using modules, containers, lists, leaf nodes, and leaf-list nodes.

This structure allows for the representation of complex data relationships.

Data Typeintegers and strings, as well as more complex types like lists and enumerations.
Operationus RPC to run remotely functions
Extensibilityallowing for the definition of new data models and extensions to existing models.


standardized and efficient way to manage network devices,

facilitating automation and programmability in network administration.

  • XML-Based Protocol: Uses XML for data encoding.
  • Data Modeling with YANG: Describes hierarchical data structure and semantics.
  • Remote Configuration: Enables remote configuration of network devices.
  • Operational State Data: Supports retrieval of operational state information.
  • Transaction and Rollback: Allows grouping of configuration changes and rollback capabilities.
  • Security: Incorporates TLS for secure connections, authentication, and access control.
  • Notifications: Permits devices to send notifications about state changes or events.
  • Standardized Operations: Defines standard operations for common network management tasks.