IMIX traffic using iperf3

       | IP Length | Percentage of Total | Length(s) at Other Layers |
       | 64        | 23                  | 82                        |
       | 128       | 67                  | 146                       |
       | 1000      | 10                  | 1018                      |

Example : Here are the calculations for iMix with frame sizes 64 (61%), 594 (21%), 1518 (18%)

Start multiple servers:

   iperf3 -s -p 5101&; iperf3 -s -p 5102&; iperf3 -s -p 5103 &

and then run multiple clients, using the "-T" flag to label the output:

   iperf3 -c hostname -T s1 -p 5101 &;  
iperf3 -c hostname -T s2 -p 5102 &;
iperf3 -c hostname -T s3 -p 5103 &;

Some >15 y ago people measured the distributions on a real network and came up with IMIX409 with an AVERAGE packet size of 409 bytes.