3- install package

3- install package

st2 pack list

st2 pack install ansible

st2 sensor list

vagrant@stackstorm:~$ st2 pack list
2018-10-26 21:44:37,073  WARNING - Unable to retrieve cached token from "/home/vagrant/.st2/token-st2admin" (user vagrant doesn't have read access to this file). Subsequent requests won't use a cached token meaning they may be slower.
2018-10-26 21:44:37,087  WARNING - Unable to write token to "/home/vagrant/.st2/token-st2admin" (user vagrant doesn't have write access to this file). Subsequent requests won't use a cached token meaning they may be slower.
| ref     | name    | description                             | version | author           |
| chatops | chatops | ChatOps integration pack                | 1.0.0   | StackStorm, Inc. |
| core    | core    | Basic core actions.                     | 1.0.0   | StackStorm, Inc. |
| default | default | Default pack where all resources        | 1.0.0   | StackStorm, Inc. |
|         |         | created using the API with no pack      |         |                  |
|         |         | specified get saved.                    |         |                  |
| linux   | linux   | Generic Linux actions                   | 1.0.1   | StackStorm, Inc. |
| packs   | packs   | Pack management functionality.          | 1.0.0   | StackStorm, Inc. |
| slack   | slack   | st2 content pack containing slack       | 0.12.0  | StackStorm, Inc. |
|         |         | integrations                            |         |                  |
| st2     | st2     | StackStorm utility actions and aliases  | 1.0.3   | StackStorm, Inc. |

vagrant@stackstorm:~$ st2 pack install ansible
2018-10-26 21:18:40,760  WARNING - Unable to retrieve cached token from "/home/vagrant/.st2/token-st2admin" (user vagrant doesn't have read access to this file). Subsequent requests won't use a cached token meaning they may be slower.
2018-10-26 21:18:40,776  WARNING - Unable to write token to "/home/vagrant/.st2/token-st2admin" (user vagrant doesn't have write access to this file). Subsequent requests won't use a cached token meaning they may be slower.

For the "ansible" pack, the following content will be registered:

rules     |  0
sensors   |  0
triggers  |  0
actions   |  8
aliases   |  0

Installation may take a while for packs with many items.

        [     succeeded      ] download pack
        [     succeeded      ] make a prerun
        [      timeout       ] install pack dependencies

No matching items found

vagrant@stackstorm:~$ st2 pack show
usage: st2 pack show [-h] [-t TOKEN] [--api-key API_KEY] [-j] [-y] pack
st2 pack show: error: too few arguments
vagrant@stackstorm:~$ st2 pack show ansible
2018-10-26 21:44:54,308  WARNING - Unable to retrieve cached token from "/home/vagrant/.st2/token-st2admin" (user vagrant doesn't have read access to this file). Subsequent requests won't use a cached token meaning they may be slower.
2018-10-26 21:44:54,335  WARNING - Unable to write token to "/home/vagrant/.st2/token-st2admin" (user vagrant doesn't have write access to this file). Subsequent requests won't use a cached token meaning they may be slower.
| Property    | Value                                                     |
| name        | ansible                                                   |
| description | st2 content pack containing ansible integrations          |
| author      | StackStorm, Inc.                                          |
| content     | {                                                         |
|             |     "tests": {                                            |
|             |         "count": 1,                                       |
|             |         "resources": [                                    |
|             |             "test_actions_lib_ansiblebaserunner.py"       |
|             |         ]                                                 |
|             |     },                                                    |
|             |     "actions": {                                          |
|             |         "count": 8,                                       |
|             |         "resources": [                                    |
|             |             "playbook",                                   |
|             |             "command_local",                              |
|             |             "galaxy.list",                                |
|             |             "vault.encrypt",                              |
|             |             "galaxy.install",                             |
|             |             "command",                                    |
|             |             "vault.decrypt",                              |
|             |             "galaxy.remove"                               |
|             |         ]                                                 |
|             |     }                                                     |
|             | }                                                         |
| email       | info@stackstorm.com                                       |
| keywords    | [                                                         |
|             |     "ansible",                                            |
|             |     "cfg management",                                     |
|             |     "configuration management"                            |
|             | ]                                                         |
| ref         | ansible                                                   |
| repo_url    | https://github.com/StackStorm-Exchange/stackstorm-ansible |
| version     | 0.5.4                                                     |

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