create an user and password

password rules
[edit system login password]
root@vsrx1# set ?
Possible completions:
+ apply-groups         Groups from which to inherit configuration data
+ apply-groups-except  Don't inherit configuration data from these groups
  change-type          Password change type
  format               Encryption method to use for password
  maximum-length       Maximum password length for all users (20..128)
  minimum-changes      Minimum number of changes in password
  minimum-length       Minimum password length for all users (6..20)
  minimum-lower-cases  Minimum number of lower-case class characters in password (1..128)
  minimum-numerics     Minimum number of numeric class characters in password (1..128)
  minimum-punctuations  Minimum number of punctuation class characters in password (1..128)
  minimum-upper-cases  Minimum number of upper-case class characters in password (1..128)