load balance between two spine
get VLAN Name and Tag ( vlan id) | show vlans ( on the CRB leaf ) show vlans bd-7 extensive |
mac address learnt and vtep and VGA esi and VTEP/spine mapping | show ethernet-switching table brief show ethernet-switching table vlan-name bd-7 |
which VTEP used and traffic statistics | clear interfaces statistics vtep show interface vtep >>> Preferred is lower value : vtep.32769 |
on L3 ( CRB is Spine) | show route forwading-table bridge-domain 7 |
VTEP loopback mapped to dst vni id and srce vni | show ethernet-switching vxlan-tunnel-end-point remote |
iBGP route | show bgp summary ( IP@ of the Peers loopback ) show route receive-protocol bgp |
EVPN route | show evpn database l2-domain-id 7 |
Linux | 1- install nmap ( include nping ) yum install nmap -y 2- arp 3- ping -s 1436 -i 0.2 -s packet size -i intervale 200ms |
The ping goes only to Spine_B ( vtep.32769 ) the udp nping goes only to Spine_A ( vtep.32770 ) ping and nping [root@bms2 ~]# ping -c 10 {master:0} root@Leaf2> clear interfaces statistics vtep {master:0} root@Leaf2> show interfaces vtep Physical interface: vtep, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 641, SNMP ifIndex: 509 Type: Software-Pseudo, Link-level type: VxLAN-Tunnel-Endpoint, MTU: Unlimited, Speed: Unlimited Device flags : Present Running Link type : Full-Duplex Link flags : None Last flapped : Never Input packets : 0 Output packets: 0 Logical interface vtep.32768 (Index 567) (SNMP ifIndex 541) Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 Encapsulation: ENET2 Ethernet segment value: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00, Mode: single-homed, Multi-homed status: Forwarding VXLAN Endpoint Type: Source, VXLAN Endpoint Address:, L2 Routing Instance: default-switch, L3 Routing Instance: default Input packets : 0 Output packets: 0 Logical interface vtep.32769 (Index 569) (SNMP ifIndex 542) Flags: Up SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2 VXLAN Endpoint Type: Remote, VXLAN Endpoint Address:, L2 Routing Instance: default-switch, L3 Routing Instance: default Input packets : 1 Output packets: 11 <<<<<<<<<<< Here Protocol eth-switch, MTU: Unlimited Flags: Trunk-Mode Logical interface vtep.32770 (Index 570) (SNMP ifIndex 543) Flags: Up SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2 VXLAN Endpoint Type: Remote, VXLAN Endpoint Address:, L2 Routing Instance: default-switch, L3 Routing Instance: default Input packets : 10 <<<<<<<<<<<< Here Output packets: 0 Protocol eth-switch, MTU: Unlimited Flags: Trunk-Mode | |
nping [root@bms2 ~]# nping --udp -p 80 --mtu 1400 -c 10 {master:0} root@Leaf2> show interfaces vtep . . . Logical interface vtep.32769 (Index 569) (SNMP ifIndex 542) Flags: Up SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2 VXLAN Endpoint Type: Remote, VXLAN Endpoint Address:, L2 Routing Instance: default-switch, L3 Routing Instance: default Input packets : 0 Output packets: 0 Protocol eth-switch, MTU: Unlimited Flags: Trunk-Mode Logical interface vtep.32770 (Index 570) (SNMP ifIndex 543) Flags: Up SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2 VXLAN Endpoint Type: Remote, VXLAN Endpoint Address:, L2 Routing Instance: default-switch, L3 Routing Instance: default Input packets : 10 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Output packets: 10 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Protocol eth-switch, MTU: Unlimited Flags: Trunk-Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ping from thre BMS2: -------------------- [root@bms2 ~]# nping --udp -p 8080 --mtu 1400 -c 10 {master:0} root@Leaf2> clear interfaces statistics vtep {master:0} root@Leaf2> show interfaces vtep . . . . Logical interface vtep.32769 (Index 569) (SNMP ifIndex 542) Flags: Up SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2 VXLAN Endpoint Type: Remote, VXLAN Endpoint Address:, L2 Routing Instance: default-switch, L3 Routing Instance: default Input packets : 1 Output packets: 1 Protocol eth-switch, MTU: Unlimited Flags: Trunk-Mode Logical interface vtep.32770 (Index 570) (SNMP ifIndex 543) Flags: Up SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2 VXLAN Endpoint Type: Remote, VXLAN Endpoint Address:, L2 Routing Instance: default-switch, L3 Routing Instance: default Input packets : 10 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Output packets: 10 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Protocol eth-switch, MTU: Unlimited Flags: Trunk-Mode | |