Clone VM on ESXi 6.5 without vCenter
1- create an new VM ( as you would )
2- Enable SSH for the ESXi
3- ssh into the ESXi
4- change directory and copy the file "...flat .vmdk" to the directory of the new VM
5- Change the IP@ of the new VM
6- Change the hostname
7- reboot the VM
4- change directory and copy the file "...flat .vmdk" to the directory of the new VM
cd /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/ubuntu1404/
cp ubuntu1404_0-flat.vmdk ../contrail40/contrail40_0-flat.vmdk
5- Change the IP@ of the new VM
sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
>>> change the IP@ of the interface
restart the networking service:
sudo service networking restart ( or stop and start )
6- Change the hostname
hostnamectl set-hostname <vm's >
7- reboot the VM
sudo reboot now