01- HA High Availability


  • Dual node high availability: where two nodes form one logical router, with shared state with a mgmt interface + a "fabric" backplane between them.
    • VRRP option
    • Shared physical interface  ( w/without Redundancy group for Active/Standby , A?S does not need fabric interface )
  • Dual router high availability: where two nodes form two logical routers, with no shared state. This is a familiar approach to administrators accustomed to deploying pairs of legacy routing platforms.

SSR HA configuration router of Node

Configure node0 ( shared mac address, global id, sync interface, fabric-interface when needed  )

then clone node0 → to node1 

at Router level create RG-node0 and RG-node1 (for all interfaces)

Shared physical interface

New steps

1. Start at step 7 and put the Device-interface's  "shared physical addresses" = 00:00:00:00:00:0x  on all interfaces on node1

2.Reset (clear out) all global ids on all the network interfaces on node

3. Clone node1 and name your clone node

4. Select combo for the node role and put ‘datacenter2’ for the assoc asset id

5. Validate and Commit

Mac Address format: 00:00:00:00:00:01 00:00:00:00:00:02

Step 2

Router > bosdc1

ADD next to Redundancy Groups

Step 3on both nodes: node1 and node2
Add Device-interface

Add network-interface

Step 4

Copy the password

2- save the file on the local pc

go to:

https://proxy-10099.onramp.128technology.com/quick-start    ( need to log in )

admin / 128Tadmin

Upload the quickstart file ( + password ) 

Reboot both Datacenter Router 1 and Datacenter Router 2

Step 5

show peers

show peers
dmin@node1.bosdc1# show peers 
Thu 2021-05-06 18:17:14 UTC

======== ======= =================== ============= ========= ============= =============
 Peer     Node    Network Interface   Destination   Status    Hostname      Path MTU
======== ======= =================== ============= ========= ============= =============
 seabo1   node1   mpls1         up        unavailable   unavailable
 seabo1   node1   wan1           up        unavailable   unavailable
 seabo1   node2   mpls1         standby   unavailable   unavailable
 seabo1   node2   wan1           standby   unavailable   unavailable

Completed in 0.07 seconds

Redundancy Group Priority:

Select: node1 

Change the priority to 1 


switch from Node1 to Node2

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