SSR GraphQL Query Language of the Data Tree

In computer science:

  • a graph is a network
  • an edge is one of the links between the nodes  ( Parent ) 
  • a node is one of the vertices (endpoint) in that network ( Local + Child and Parent )

a GraphQL query effectively asks the GraphQL server instance to traverse its graph of data and find some representation of that data.

You'll see edges and node in your queries because you're literally looking at those entries in the graph.

Datathe data has a Tree structure, so we can pick all the "same" branches ( in the trees) 

example all the network interface for the entire network 
Choose from the DataAllxxxxxxxx  : example: allroutes, alldevices , allalarms, . . . 

list all routers

Display: name

In "allrouters"

Display: interface

list all node in router X

Device Interface

List services
single filter

multiple filter
