DDOS + Packet sample + Corero
TDD ( software ) upto 1T ( but does sampling )
TDS ( Appliance ) 10G , 100G licence ( one to one packet ) >> but not
The virtual editions of the
SmartWall Network Threat Defense device (vNTD), DE or Detect Engine ( use sample traffic to define the bad traffic)
SmartWall Central Management Server (vCMS) push the policy to MX
SmartWall SecureWatch Analytics (vSWA)
Datasheet: https://www.corero.com/resources/files/datasheets/juniper-corero-sb.pdf
1- Engine parse Packet Sample >> define a new attach vector >>> extra the important field >> create a filter entry
2- use PYez use to send NetConf >>> to Node in epheumeral database