Alternate and Tiebreaker Preferences

route preference ( Administrative value )

In order to use common comparison routines, Junos OS stores the 1's complement of the LocalPref value in the Preference2 field. For example, if the LocalPref value for Route 1 is 100, the Preference2 value is -101. If the LocalPref value for Route 2 is 155, the Preference2 value is -156. Route 2 is preferred because it has a higher LocalPref value and a lower Preference2 value.

You can also mark route preferences with additional route tiebreaker information by specifying a color and a tiebreaker color (by including the color and the tiebreaker color2 statements in the configuration). color and color2 statements are even finer-grained preference values that Junos OS uses when preference and preference2 statements fail to break the tie during route selection.

BGP:  preference= 170

preference2 = Local Preference ( 100 >> 1's complement )